Set of 30 easy-to-read cards with the numbers in chronological order down each column; e.g., 4, 7, 11. These cards can make playing easier for cognitively impaired or young players.

Easiest Cards

Set of 25 easy-to-read cards with consecutive numbers down each column; e.g., B1, B2, B3, B4, B5. They make playing even easier for cognitively impaired or very young players.

Double Cards

Set of 30 sheets with two cards per sheet. This style is ideal for players who like a more challenging game, since they can easily play two cards at a time.
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Additional Cards:
Playing the Game:
Bingo is a game of chance played with randomly drawn numbers, which players match against numbers pre-printed onto 5' X 5' matrixes. But the game itself can take many forms. The most popular forms are traditional or straight-line bingo, where the goal is to cover five squares in a row—either diagonally, vertically, or horizontally, and coverall/blackout bingo, where players must cover every number on their card.
Additional bingo resources: